Thursday 5 May 2016

Silent Valley National Park

The Silent Valley National Park is a unique preserve of natural rainforests. Within an area of 237. 52, it houses a rich mosaic of varied habitats. Out of these springs the amazing variety of life forms some of them endemic to the Western Ghats. The Valley exudes a quite grandeur, a mystery half revealed and half concealed that is part of a story older than mankind, for this rainforest probably dates back to 50 million years. Silently she beckons us to witness the marvelous exuberance of life that expresses itself in an incredible chaos of plants and animals and birds and insects. At the heart of her many songs is a still, deep silence which only those who tread softly and wait patiently may learn to hear.This park is one of the last undisturbed tracts of South Western Ghats mountain rain forests and tropical moist evergreen forest in India. Contiguous with the proposed Karimpuzha National Park  to the north and Mukurthi National Park  to the north-east, it is the core of the Nilgiri International Biosphere Reserve, and is part of The Nilgiri Sub-Cluster , Western Ghats World Heritage Site, recognised by UNESCO in 2007.


  •     By Air: Kozhikode International airport is nearest airport
  •     By Rail: Palakkad Railway station is nearest railway station
  •     By Road: One can reach Silent valley via the palakkad- manarkad - mukkali.The entry point of the road to the park is Mukkali. From Mukkali, it takes a 30 km jeep ride to get into the actual entry point of the park. Jeeps can be hired from Mukkali.

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