Friday 29 April 2016

Thenmala Eco-Tourism Adventure Zone

Thenmala as an eco-tourism and adventure spot beckons the travellers to Kerala, providing equal opportunities for fun, adventure, leisure and for learning the significance and necessity of eco-friendly measures for promoting tourism related activities. The major tourist attractions here in Adventure zone of Thenmala are, Forest Canopy Elevated walkway bridge, Nature trails through the forested hills, rock climbing, mountain biking, river crossing, Burmese bridge walk, boating in the forest pond, rapelling etc.

For those who with an overdose of adventure  and those willing to test their adventure spirit would find the Adventure Zone at Thenmala,its a quite  thrilling experience. Adventure freaks at Thenmala can take the elevated walkway for a journey that winds through the canopy of trees and going over rocky terrains, bringing one close to some of Mother Natures best assets at varying elevations. And for those who dont mind giving their body muscles a real workout can go for mountain biking, rock climbing and river crossing as part of adventure activities at Thenmala.

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